Not all EDM music is created equal…
…some reside on the side of the EDM mountain…
…while some sit on the throne…
Today, we’ve got ourselves one of those kings of EDM, Mac Summer.
Mac is from Auckland, New Zealand…and he’s got a huge presence and equally huge impact in and on New Zealands’ music scene.
Mac Summer released his brilliant “Suddenly The Rain” on the 24th of March…
…and he had a specific goal…to ‘create an innovative vision of the future of electronic music’.
I’m glad to report that he achieved his goal. That’s all. Bye…
No, really, Mac managed to create fresh and unique sounds, musical hooks, catchy melodies, and a whole new experience for EDM fans and casual listeners alike…even if you’re not an EDM fan…”Suddenly The Rain” has elements that will surely catch you off guard and convert you into a fan.
The song has very strong storytelling elements, musically and lyrically…and it’s not just created to be out there…it has some experimental aspects to it, it really is breaking new grounds.

Let me take you through the painting that was in my head while I was listening to it…
“Suddenly The Rain” starts with a splash…into a smoke filled ambient atmosphere…then the piano enters the scene and pushes the smoke away and makes way for the brilliant drums and bass infused future EDM sounds of synths, huge anthemic and melodic saw synths along with the vocals…
Vocals are also very unique…we have 3 distinct vocals in the song, you have pop EDM female vocal…you also have a male vocal with a mix between pop, EDM, and a hint of rock in him…
…then you’ve got an operatic vocal line…yes, you read it right…
Mac Summer is not afraid of being fresh, putting himself out there and saying “here, that’s my take on the future…check it out”
We checked it Mac and it sounds mesmerizing, we can’t wait for more futuristic music from you…and we know that you’ll keep evolving.
Mac, we wish you all the best in the world, you’re awesome.